Sunday, July 19, 2009


Since I've been so fricking free this semester break, I decided to study at Netdesign the course of PHP and java. After sometime, something just suddenly enlightened me that I can do so much more with a computer.
Projects I am currently planning are:
-routinize this blog
The video in the last post was just a beginning. Believe me I'm gonna make every TEP/TEPE student wish he chose to go to England. LOL

-make this blog a tutorial center
Here's the catch. I will be posting tutorial stuffs for TEP freshmen like how to solve cal and physics problems in easy steps as I've been teaching so many times already. It's not that hard at all. You can ask anyone in my gang. Three hours is all you need just the day before your exam in order to pass the mean score. Anyway, those who want to join or help me do the tutorial please contact me or leave response here. Thanks in advance for that.

-facebook app/game
PHP course had taught me how to write a web in PHP language. That didnt really interest me until I knew that facebook apps are written in PHP! It's currently in planning out period so I'll keep you posted until something concrete is forming.

Anyway, let's talk about something less serious. I went to try out the curry house CoCo ichibanya today. You guys probably noticed the store. It's always crowded and queued up on the G floor at Siam Paragon. My friend said Rice in Siam Square is better. I'd say they're different. This one let you choose how spicy do you want your curry to be, how much rice you want, what you wanna add, basically customize your own dish lol. I ended up not finishing the curry cuz mine was too spicy. I chose spicy level of 4 (out of 5). I recommend you try level 1 or 2 first.
My weekend wont be complete without a movie with my dear family. HP6. That's literally the only choice. ***SPOILER ALERT***
I am one of those who read the book. Couldnt remember much cuz it's like 4 years ago or something, but I remember so well how it didnt actually end like the movie. Basically, the whole movie was great. Effects were great. Scenes were brilliant. Plots are more teenager-ish and love-related for the characters. I was happy with the movie until the end of the movie where I couldnt believe how it ended.
The seventh episode is going to be made into two movies for those who don't know yet. I bet the first half is gonna be boring.
Next week looking-forward-to-movies: Dear Galileo & Public Enemies.

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