Tuesday, November 24, 2009

York trip with my first DSLR

So ended the first trip I planned everything from the beginning til the end. From the train to the places to visit. It's not that hard at all here. After all, everything here can be done online, booked online, and even seen online lol.
Talking about the city York, it's probably the most English city in England. What do I mean by "English"? The culture, the architecture, the tea, the people, the places, (and unfortunately) the weather all comprise what I saw in York. Even the dog Yorkshire Terrier looks more English here than anywhere lol.

This is my first trip I get to go out with my first DSLR ^_^ I kinda looked like a crazy guy carrying 2 cameras at a time lol, my CANON 500D taking photo and the compact sony taking vids. I just soo fell in love with photography right now esp when you share such passion with your friends ahaha. Pics coming out look totally different from the ones I used to be able to take from my compact. If a picture really worth a thousand worth, the pic from DSLR probably says something like "York minster was so fantastic. I had loads of fun there and will definitely go there again." whereas the pic from the compact says "York minster was great." or smthn.

The fun part doesnt stop there. After the trip, even though just a day after, looking back at the pics, sharing them with my friends (thx facebook btw) can just relive the moment in the picture and make you wanna go back there again. Nevertheless, vid still rocks even if it needs some editing prior to sharing. It definitely tells more stories than pictures, but sometimes pictures just tell something video can never tell.

Next stop ... Birmingham Christmas market !!


  1. wahahaha!!
    nice jump at the beginning!!:)


  2. Heyy !! how come I was in the video only at the beginning and then disappear.. .. . T________T

    ps. this one's AWESOME !!

  3. Why's Jeed the commentator ? haha wannabe
